Unveiling The Top Lead Sources for Insurance Agents in 2023

Attention insurance agents! Are you tired of spending countless hours and dollars on lead-generation strategies that just don't work? Are you looking for a better way to build your insurance agency? Then listen up because I've got some game-changing insights for you. Hi, I'm Arthur Barlow, CEO and president of Compass Insurance Advisors. Compass is a general agency that helps agents write more business in less time.

Three Popular Lead Sources for Insurance Agents in 2023

Today, I want to talk about the three lead sources for insurance agents in 2023, as outlined by Cody Askins in his recent video. He’s got a lot of good insight in this video, but definitely, a few things we can help agents understand better.

Buying Leads from Vendors

Cody says that buying leads from vendors is not his preferred way of getting leads. He says their too expensive and you have no control over the lead. While it may seem more expensive in the long run, lead vendors offer a quick and seamless way to get lead flow. They have dedicated teams that refine campaigns and leverage their expertise, allowing agents to focus on serving clients. When you use a lead vendor, you can leverage their expertise. However, in order to be successful with these leads, it's crucial to track all metrics to ensure the effectiveness of lead sources and hold vendors accountable.

Doing Your Own Advertising

Cody suggests that agents consider doing their own advertising to potentially reduce costs. However, it's important to note that mastering advertising requires substantial time, resources, and expertise. For newer agents, leveraging lead companies may be a more sensible approach to avoid significant financial losses. Veteran agents with an established client base and resources for testing and refining campaigns may benefit from exploring this avenue.

Creating Content

Cody emphasizes the importance of creating content but acknowledges that it takes time to generate lead flow through this approach. Content marketing requires the development of skills such as writing and strategic posting. While it's possible to have someone manage this aspect, it still takes a significant amount of time to see tangible results. Content marketing can be highly effective, but it requires an upfront investment of either your time or the assistance of others.

The True TOP Low-Cost Lead Generation Methods

Considering Cody's points, it's clear that buying leads, doing your own advertising, and creating content have their pros and cons. At Compass, we believe in exploring additional lower-cost ways to build a reliable lead flow that agents can utilize.

We work with both new and experienced agents to create a customized 14-point marketing plan that addresses all aspects of their business, including branding, lead generation, and client retention. By creating a comprehensive plan, agents can ensure that all aspects of their business work together to drive growth and success. Our agents have the option to use our brand or receive full support to build their own brand. A few of our top lead-generating activities include:

Leveraging Client Referrals

One highly effective, low-cost method is leveraging client referrals. Word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied clients are often the most powerful way to generate leads. By providing excellent service and building strong relationships, you can turn clients into brand ambassadors who will recommend you to their network.

Establishing Referral Partners

Another effective strategy is establishing referral partnerships. Collaborating with other professionals or businesses that have a similar client base can be mutually beneficial. We have a streamlined system and provide training to help agents effectively establish and maintain referral partnerships.

Attending Networking Events

Participating in relevant networking events allows you to meet potential clients and build relationships with other professionals who may refer clients to you. By strategically selecting events that align with your target market, you increase your chances of connecting with qualified leads and expanding your network.

A Comprehensive Approach to Success

While these low-cost methods can be effective, they should be part of a larger, holistic marketing plan that we teach to all of our agents. We work closely with our agents to develop a comprehensive 14-point marketing plan that covers all aspects of their business, ensuring that branding, lead generation, and client retention efforts work harmoniously.

At Compass, we understand the importance of customization. Agents have the flexibility to use our established brand or receive full support to build their own unique brand identity. We believe in empowering our agents to achieve their goals and maximize their success.

So, if you're an insurance agent who wants to take your business to the next level, we'd love to chat with you. We're offering a free consultation where we can help you develop a customized marketing plan that works for you. Visit our website careerswithcompass.com/marketing to schedule your consultation today. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your insurance agency to the next level!

Streamline Your Insurance Agency: How to Hire, Train, and Retain an Assistant

As an insurance agent, your time is precious. You need to focus on generating revenue and growing your business. However, administrative tasks and client servicing can take up a lot of your time and energy. This is where hiring an assistant can make a huge difference. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of hiring an assistant for your insurance agency and share some best practices for finding the right fit.

Why Hire an Assistant?

There are several reasons why hiring an assistant can be beneficial for your insurance agency. First and foremost, an assistant can help you focus on the highest-value activities that generate revenue. They can take care of administrative tasks like data entry, scheduling appointments, and client follow-ups, freeing up your time to focus on building your pipeline and growing your book.

Additionally, an assistant can help you stay organized and streamline your open enrollment preparation. They can serve as your gatekeeper, ensuring that you're only spending time on the most important tasks. With an assistant by your side, you can maximize your productivity and achieve more in less time.

"Having an assistant can make your open enrollment preparation streamlined and organized to maximize the opportunity. Your assistant can take care of your client servicing and current client needs while you build your pipeline."

- Arthur Barlow

How to Hire an Assistant

Now that you understand the benefits of hiring an assistant, how do you find the right person for the job? Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

1. Define the Role

Before you start the hiring process, it's important to define the role and responsibilities of the assistant. What tasks will they be responsible for? What skills and qualifications are required for the job? This will help you write an effective job listing and attract qualified candidates.

2. Post a Job Listing

You can post a job listing on job boards or social media platforms like LinkedIn to reach a wider audience. Be sure to include the job title, responsibilities, and required qualifications. You can also specify any preferred qualifications or experience.

3. Work with a Staffing Agency

If you don't have the time or resources to conduct the hiring process yourself, consider working with a staffing agency. They can help you find qualified candidates and conduct the initial screening process.

4. Check References

Once you have a pool of candidates, it's important to conduct interviews and check references. This will help you ensure that the candidate has the necessary skills and experience for the job, as well as a good work ethic and communication skills.

"When hiring an assistant, it's important to look for someone with the right skill set and qualifications... Once you have a pool of candidates, it's important to conduct interviews and check references to ensure you find the right fit for your business."

- Arthur Barlow

Training Your Assistant

Once you've hired your assistant, it's important to provide them with the resources and training they need to be successful. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

1. Create an Onboarding Plan

An onboarding plan should include an overview of your business, the assistant's job responsibilities, and your expectations. This will help the assistant understand their role and how they can contribute to the success of the agency.

2. Provide Access to Necessary Tools and Software

Once you have hired your assistant, it's important to provide them with the resources they need to be successful. This includes access to the necessary tools and software to perform their job efficiently. For insurance agents, this may include access to client management software, insurance databases, and other tools necessary to manage client relationships and process claims.

In addition to providing access to these tools, it's important to ensure that your assistant is properly trained on how to use them. This may include providing training videos, tutorials, or other resources to help them learn how to navigate the software and perform their job effectively.

3. Set Up Regular Check-Ins

Regular communication and feedback are essential to the success of any business relationship. This is especially true when working with an assistant. Set up regular check-ins with your assistant to provide feedback and address any questions or concerns they may have.

During these check-ins, be sure to provide constructive feedback on their performance and offer suggestions for improvement. This will help your assistant grow and develop in their role, which will ultimately benefit your business in the long run.

4. Foster a Positive Company Culture

Creating a positive company culture is important for retaining employees long-term. This includes creating a work environment that is supportive, and collaborative and encourages open communication. As an insurance agent, you may be working remotely or have a small team, but that doesn't mean you can't create a positive company culture.

One way to do this is to regularly recognize and reward good performance. This can be something as simple as a shout-out during a team meeting or a small bonus for a job well done. Encouraging work-life balance and flexible scheduling can also help foster a positive company culture and make your employees feel valued.

5. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Offering opportunities for professional growth and development is important for keeping your employees engaged and motivated. This may include providing access to training courses, industry conferences, or other resources to help your assistant grow and develop in their role.

Investing in your employees in this way not only benefits them, but also benefits your business. A well-trained and motivated assistant can help you streamline your operations, improve your client relationships, and ultimately grow your business.

How to Get Started

Hiring and training an assistant can seem like a daunting task, but with the right support, it can be a game-changer for your insurance agency. At Compass Insurance Advisors, we understand the challenges that come with running a successful agency, and we're here to help.

Our agents have access to a wide range of resources to help them find, vet, and train the right assistant for their business. From creating job postings to providing training materials, we're here to support you every step of the way. We've even developed an assistant manual to help standardize the training process and ensure that your assistant has all the necessary information to succeed in their role.

We also provide templates for confidentiality and non-compete agreements to help protect your business and sensitive data. Our systems and processes are designed to help you and your assistant communicate effectively and ensure that important communication about clients is not lost. With the right technology, both you and your assistant can have seamless communication, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

At Compass, we're committed to providing our agents with the support they need to succeed. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you hire and train an assistant and take your business to the next level.

Ready to streamline your business and increase your productivity? Click the link below to schedule your free consultation and take the first step toward hiring and training an assistant. And if you need help with interview questions, click the link below to download our recommended list. We look forward to hearing from you!

Understanding the CMS Ruling for the 48-hour SOA rule and New Marketing Requirements

If you're a Medicare broker, you're probably familiar with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) guidelines for Medicare Advantage and Part D plans. However, the recent changes in these guidelines, including the 48-hour SOA rule and updates to marketing requirements, have left some brokers wondering how to ensure compliance while still providing high-quality service to their clients.

The 48-Hour SOA Rule and “Digital” Walk-Ins

The 48-hour SOA rule mandates that brokers provide beneficiaries with a Scope of Appointment (SOA) at least 48 hours before a scheduled appointment to prevent misleading marketing tactics and protect beneficiaries. But how does this rule apply to “digital” walk-ins such as inbound calls, chatboxes, and SMS interactions? And can someone capture the SOA on a lead form? Currently, CMS has not provided any clarification on what is considered a "digital" walk-in, and we are awaiting further guidance.

According to CMS, the goal is to improve the customer experience, and this will likely limit the gray area where agents and call centers can operate. However, many concerns have been raised about the 48-hour rule in regard to inbound calls. Specifically, how many clients will answer a call back a few days later, and how this will impact business.

At Compass, we train all of our agents to do a two-step close, which involves a fact-finding and SOA call followed by a second appointment to review a prospect's top options. This approach allows the agent time to adequately research their client's best options and enables the client to take the time they need to make an educated decision, and ultimately choose the correct plan for their needs.

In our experience, if you adequately communicate your value as an advisor, you shouldn’t have a problem getting a new client to pick up the phone 48 hours later. This new law will likely hurt transactional agents who simply sign beneficiaries up for a plan without taking the time to fully research and understand the best plans for their client’s needs.

CMS is trying to create a better client experience, and if your processes are already in line with a quality client experience, you’ll likely be able to seamlessly navigate industry changes. That includes this new ruling and future rulings as well.

Marketing Requirements

In addition to the 48-hour rule, the new CMS ruling includes marketing requirements that brokers should be aware of. These requirements include:

These requirements are designed to protect beneficiaries and ensure that brokers are providing accurate and compliant information about Medicare plans.

Compliance is Key

CMS is committed to improving the customer experience, and this latest ruling is just one example of their efforts. However, this does mean that brokers need to be aware of these changes to ensure they remain compliant while continuing to provide exceptional service to their clients. At Compass, we understand the importance of staying up-to-date on industry changes and have been actively training our agents on these new rulings for several weeks now.

While these changes can be daunting, they don't have to be overwhelming. With the right processes in place and a commitment to providing quality service, brokers can easily navigate industry changes and stay ahead of the curve. If you have any questions or concerns about this CMS ruling or any others, don't hesitate to reach out to your compliance department or a trusted industry expert.

As stated previously, we believe this change will likely harm transactional agents, but if you are running your business the way you should be - as a true advisor - you shouldn't have a problem navigating these changes.


To help you stay informed and grow your Medicare business, I've created an ebook called "Mastering Medicare: The Ultimate Guide to Growing Your Business" This MUST-HAVE ebook is for ambitious entrepreneurs looking to skyrocket their success in the Medicare industry. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, this comprehensive guide is packed with proven strategies and insider tips to help you dominate the market and achieve unprecedented growth.

Discover the game-changing technology platforms every agent needs

Unleash the power of proven Medicare marketing strategies that deliver results

Navigate the complex world of Medicare compliance like a seasoned pro

Unlock a treasure trove of insider tips, tricks, and so much more!

To download the ebook, simply click on the link in the description below. And if you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us for a free consultation. Our team of experts is here to help you succeed in the Medicare market. Thanks for watching, and we look forward to hearing from you soon!

What is the Medicaid Unwinding?

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress enacted the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). This ensured that people would have access to continuous health coverage through Medicaid and CHIP, even if their eligibility changed. 

This resulted in 19.8 million people - a 27.9% increase - enrolling in Medicaid since February 2020.

Congress put an end to the continuous enrollment provision, and this will take effect on March 31, 2023. Those currently on Medicaid will automatically be put through a state-run process to redetermine their eligibility to remain on Medicaid.

Who is affected?

According to the Centers for Medicaid Services (CMS) it is estimated that approximately 7-9 million people will lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding period. States have 12 months to complete their redetermination for all enrollees starting by April 1st.

If someone is determined to be ineligible for re-enrollment with Medicaid, they have the following options for finding coverage: Marketplace coverage, Employer coverage, or the Family Glitch.

Marketplace Coverage: Millions of those denied reacceptance for Medicaid coverage will qualify for an APTC to obtain affordable coverage through the marketplace. 

Those who are ineligible to return to Medicaid are eligible for a Special Enrollment Period (SEP)  to enroll in marketplace coverage. 

The marketplace has created a unique SEP for those losing Medicaid that runs from March 31st, 2023 all the way to July 31st, 2024.

Once consumers attest they are losing Medicaid coverage and select a plan, their marketplace coverage will begin on the first day of the following month.

Employer Coverage: If someone is offered affordable insurance through their workplace, they themselves are not eligible for an APTC.

Family Glitch: Before recent changes, a family’s eligibility for subsidized health plans was determined by the affordability of the employee’s health plan cost—regardless of the cost of a family plan.

Regulations for this were changed for the 2023 Open Enrollment Period to allow more access to federally-subsidized healthcare for families with high-premium employer plans. 

The new regulations allow an employee’s family to be enrolled in a subsidized marketplace plan when the employer-sponsored family plan costs more than 9.12% of the gross household income.

Visit https://careerswithcompass.com/family-gitch/ for a no-cost affordability calculator and training on how to utilize the family glitch.

How to Maximize The Opportunity

If you’re an agent who already works with ACA, this is the time to increase your marketing! 

If you’re an agent who isn’t writing much ACA business or feel you could use more help to maximize the opportunity, now is the time to connect! Not sure where to start? Compass can help. Some benefits of partnering with Compass:

If you’re a P&C agent not doing health, you’re missing out on a lot of business! Compass has a P&C program with three different pathways to help you incorporate health into your business.

  1. Referral partnership - have a trusted referral partner to send your clients to. You’ll have access to a custom landing page to submit information securely, receive weekly updates on your clients, and generate passive income for each referral sent over. All while having peace of mind that your reputation is being protected.
  2. Get contracted to start selling health - Compass has helped numerous P&C agencies incorporate health into their business. They’ve seen increased client retention and additional revenue streams. Some now are even doing more health than they are P&C.
  3. We can place a Compass agent in your office- this is a great way to ensure that your clients have all their insurance needs taken care of in-house. You’ll receive overrides on all health policies written.

Whatever your situation, Compass can help you maximize this opportunity!  Visit careerswithcompass.com for more information

The Ultimate Guide to Making Dials

Welcome to The Ultimate Guide to Dialing Internet Leads!

If you aren’t seeing results with dialing internet leads, then you’re going to want to delve into this article. Making dials is a tried and true method of creating a pipeline of new clients for your insurance business.

We’re discussing the biggest factors impacting your dials and what you need to do to nail your calls every time.

Dialing Internet Lead Basics

Create a Script

The first basic is to create a script, and stick with it! Do not wing your calls! You want to make sure that you have a documented script, so you can be improving. Having a script will help you maintain control and direction of the conversation.

You should track your objections and your rebuttals. Over time, you can document common objections and the proper response so you can control the flow of the conversation.

Track Dials

The next tip is to track your dials. This will give you data and will let you know where you're succeeding.

It’s important to keep track of how many dials it takes you to reach one decision-maker. How many decision-makers does it take for you to book one appointment? How many appointments does it take for you to make one sale

Once you have enough data, outline how many calls you should make in one week. Then add those to your calendar to reach your goals.

This is all a numbers game and this helps you GUARANTEE your success.

25/3/1 Rule

Here at Compass, we have a rule called the 25/3/1 rule. Our agents have made thousands upon thousands of dials, and we have found that the following averages hold true, regardless of tenure and experience. You should also be able to maintain an average of 25 dials to talk to 3 decision makers to book 1 meeting!

If you are not meeting these averages, review your script or find additional training. Compass agents receive this kind of training through their Marketing Director. Learn more about Compass training by clicking HERE.


Block Out 1-Hour Dial Sessions On Your Calendar

Being purposeful with your time is crucial in this business! Calendaring in your dial sessions helps keep you accountable and consistent.

What it boils down to is this: there are no excuses. It's all about consistency. Block out at least 6-10 one-hour sessions throughout the entire week. If you know your dials averages, you’ll know how many sessions YOU need to schedule to meet your goals.

Periodic Call Blitz

Next, we have what's called a call blitz. What's a call blitz? A call blitz is calling your list and letting the phone ring four times. You're not going to leave a note in your CRM. You're not going to leave a voicemail. You're going to let the phone ring four times, and then you're going to move on. We call this a blitz because it ensures that we're getting through our dial list as fast as possible. Through our experience, we have found that you will book several appointments.

You want to make sure you’re not overdoing it, or using this as an excuse not to work your pipeline to the fullest. Make sure the majority of the time you are leaving a voicemail and letting the number ring more than four times. Doing a call blitz one to two times per month. Saturdays are going to be highly effective.

Does Time of Day Really Make a Difference?

A case study of millions of dials showed that the time of day didn't significantly impact dial success. Calling at 7:00 AM versus calling at 2:00 PM only resulted in a 2.6% difference. While this can definitely add up, the most important aspect of success is consistency and speed to dial.

However, all agents should still be tracking their numbers to see if anything holds true for them individually. Track your dials that are made in the morning from 8-12 pm, in the afternoon from 12-4 pm, or in the evening from 4-8 pm.

Note if there's any better time for you. As you do more and more dials and you have more numbers to draw from, it may indicate when the best time of day is for YOU to be making dials.

You should also track weekend dials if you're doing Saturday dial sessions or call blitzes. Don't lump your numbers together in one data set.

Speed to Dial

The speed to dial is vital. The graph below shows the longer you wait to dial that lead, the less effective your efforts are going to be in setting an appointment.

You want to ensure that whatever lead platform you are using, those leads are being texted to you in real-time, immediately after they’re generated.

Once the lead is generated, stop whatever you’re doing and dial that lead immediately. Call the lead twice on the first day, and subsequent days. Keep someone on your dial list until they tell you to take them off. Persistency is important.

Call Tips

Tone Inflection

It is vital that we have control over our tone inflection. We've all experienced it when we're dealing with a salesperson. Everything sounds normal and they’re building rapport, then they suddenly switch into sales mode. Their entire voice and tone inflection changes. Make sure that that's not you. Talk to your prospect exactly like you would your friend. Use those same tones and that inflection so that you can come off as being confident.

Calm, cool, confident

No one believes in your value, and in the service that you're providing more than yourself. You should have a firm belief system in what you're doing and be passionate about it. If you don't have that firm belief system in the value you are offering someone, consider moving on to a different career, product, or service.

Follow the script!

We talked about the importance of having a script and when you're following the script, don't deviate from it. It's OK to use your own language in certain spots and your own personality. However, the overall flow and the main bullet points must be clear and concise. You cannot deviate from that.

If you sound like a robot, you're going to sound like all the other call centers or other professionals you are competing with. You have to sound genuine and personable even if you have said something 1000 times. It has to sound like you're saying it for the first time to them.

Open Enrollment Hours

During open enrollment, health and Medicare agents should dedicate the hours of 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM to marketing, prospecting, and sales meetings. Don't spend this time doing administrative tasks like processing applications or other things that can be delegated to an assistant, or held off until later that evening or early in the morning. Maintain your focus during these peak hours of open enrollment to marketing, prospecting, and meeting with new clients.

Script Breakdown

Let's talk about basic script structure. If you want to outline your own script, there are some basic rules that you're going to want to follow.

Intro: Start by outlining your intro and stating who you are and why you're calling. You want to get to that immediately, making it as brief as possible. You want to sound genuine and personable.

Probing Question or Statement: Get the prospect talking about themselves and their situation.  Ask a probing question or a statement of value, something the prospect can’t simply answer yes or no to. You want to solicit a response about their unique situation and needs. As they start talking about their needs, you can obtain part of the fact-finding that you’ll need to complete to research their best options. 

Finish Fact Finding: After they've finished telling you about their situation, make sure to fully complete your fact-finding with additional questions.

Examples :

Do they have a spouse?

Do they have dependents?

Does anybody use tobacco?

Are there any doctors in their family that they need to make sure are in their network?

Set Appointment: Once you have completed your fact-finding, close the call with an exact day and time for your next meeting, and then get off the phone.

Get Off The Phone!: Don't talk past the sale! The entire goal of the fact-finding call is to sell the appointment. 

You might be asking yourself, ‘well, if I have the prospect on the phone and they're answering all these fact-finding questions, why do I need to book the appointment for a future time? Why should I not go straight into the sales process?’

That's a great question! 

The main reason is that you're devaluing your services by going directly into the sales process. Before the sales appointment, you're going to research their best options. You need to do the work to find the best health plan with the proper doctors and address their prescription needs. You simply can't do that adequately by rolling straight into the sales process.

You want to do the proper research and then have a professional presentation ready. To be a true advisor, your client should be educated and know what they're getting and why they're getting it.

Make sure that you have a platform for doing this efficiently, like our Compass Presentation Navigator. The CPN allows agents to prepare for the appointment in a short amount of time and be very professional in educating the client on what they're getting and why they're getting it.

Additional Tips:

If you want more information on how to become a successful agent or how to build a successful agency with Health or Medicare, visit careerswithcompass.com.

Thank you for reading and until next time, keep dialing.