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What it Takes To Be a Successful Independent Agent


Todd is proof that you can be a successful independent agent with the right tools and training. Not only has he increased his income substantially from when he was a captive agent, but he’s also found a much better work-life balance.

Where was Todd before joining Compass?

His insurance career began in 2012 with one of the nation’s largest supplemental carriers in Omaha, Nebraska. Not long after onboarding, he became a manager, and was involved with recruiting, training, and leading a group of agents.

Todd qualified for numerous incentive trips and bonuses. “I heavily drank the kool-aid they were offering at each meeting. I thought many times throughout the years I was there that my career couldn’t get any better than this, that I had landed the career of my dreams.” says Todd.

In 2017, he was recruited by someone in the same organization to come work in Utah. Within a month or two of moving back to Utah, that same colleague pitched the idea of becoming independent brokers. It was an easy yes for him. Offering multiple solutions and products, and diversifying his offering resonated deeply with Todd.

He quickly began the process of getting appointed with different carriers across multiple verticals. “I remember going through those months, it was overwhelming but very exciting to have all these new solutions,” says Todd. “[I was] thinking I’m going to be the one to flood the market with this new solution, as if no other broker had access to that solution.”

Unfortunately for Todd, that was not the case. The first year was very trying, and things were not going according to plan. The reason for the early failure? “It was truly because I lacked a foundation that I was used to. I didn’t have the support and training that I was used to. I didn’t have the marketing strategies I was used to.”

He knew he needed to change something, and right around that time, a friend introduced him to Compass Insurance. Todd says, “that changed everything for me.”

Where is Todd today?

Todd was offered a position at a P&C Agency, Blue Valley Insurance, around the same time as joining Compass. He was brought on board to handle all health and life sales. He has been able to help grow the business exponentially. Prior to him joining Blue Valley, the agency would refer out all of their Medicare business. They only did health or life if a client inquired about it.

Now they’re actively marketing and growing that side of the business, and offer a full suite of solutions to their clients. While talking about their growth, Todd adds, “We’ve grown significantly in large part because of the solutions that Compass provides.”

The book has grown so much that Todd is bringing his wife, Katie on board to help manage the book of business!

For Todd personally, these changes have provided so much more flexibility and a better work-life balance. “I’m able to go to a lot more football games, baseball games, dance recitals, and things of that nature without stressing out about work… It’s a far better life than I was living before.”

How has Compass helped Todd grow the health and life business at a P&C agency?

Todd discovered Compass in October of 2019. After learning about all that Compass offers, he jumped in knowing those were the things he needed for his business to succeed. On November 4th of the same year, Todd signed his agent agreement with Blue Valley.

He immediately started enrolling their book of P&C clients, and re-enrolling his existing book with health and life. Recalling his first Open Enrollment at Blue Valley, Todd says “I felt like I was in a little bit over my head, but I was able to rely heavily on Compass, and the resources Compass provided.”

In addition to resources and support from the Compass staff, he started tuning in for the Monday Sales and Compliance training, and the Agent 101 training on Wednesdays. “Those are extremely valuable to me, they taught me things each week about laws, best practices, and processes. Those are excellent.”

Once past his first enrollment season, Todd was able to start developing his plan for growth. He also started adding in new lines of business like Medicare. By attending Compass’s Tuesday Medicare training, Todd was then able to pass his AHIP certifications and start selling Medicare. Blue Valley Insurance no longer refers out their Medicare business.

Piece by piece, Todd was able to take advantage of all Compass offers with the Compass Presentation Navigator, the weekly trainings, compliance, marketing, and support.

You too can benefit from everything that Todd has benefited from. With an agency, we can white-label everything specifically for your brand. Visit for more information.

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